Pushing Back Against Those Who Ban or Burn Children’s Books

This Guidebook Can Help You Defend Works That Get Attacked by Opponents of the First Amendment

Books Under Fire: A Hit List of Banned and Challenged Children’s Books is a guidebook that can help you make informed decisions when trying to safeguard children’s books from current opponents of America’s First Amendment. A variety of politically motivated and religion-driven censorship groups and individuals want to throw dark cloaks over the ragged but true realities of American history, race relations, politics, and cultural biases. Ill-informed and overly biased book censors and book burners also want to hide sex and sexual diversity from young people who are attempting to figure out who they are and how they fit into the world.

Written by Pat R. Scales and published by the American Library Association (ALA), Books Under Fire is written for teachers, librarians, principals, parents, and others who are concerned about efforts to block children’s books deemed “controversial” or “obscene” by particular groups or individuals.

The author of Books Under Fire is a First Amendment advocate and former chair of the ALA’s Intellectual Committee. She also serves on the National Coalition Against Citizenship’s board of advisors. Along with numerous other credentials, she is the author of two additional works related to children’s books.

The work is structured efficiently and effectively for those who (1) want to understand why a particular book has been deemed controversial and (2) defend it knowledgeably. Thirty-four books are examined. First, a book is summarized, and then the challenges lodged against the book are listed and explained. Next comes a list of the book’s awards and accolades, the author’s website address, and a list of further reading related to the book, the author and illustrator, and censorship efforts. Finally, talking points for “Talking with Readers about the Issues” are presented, along with brief discussions of “Related Books Challenged for Similar Reasons.”

The ISBN for Books Under Fire is 978-0-8389-4982-5.

— Si Dunn

UFOs, John Milton, & Entrepreneurs

Surviving and Persisting in Perilous Times

Let’s attack the UFO matter first. No, wait, “attack” literally is what we have done about UFOs (or UAPs, if you insist) in recent months. We have blasted some unidentified aerial phenomena right out of the sky and remained very tight-lipped about any wreckage or debris (or bodies) that might have been recovered. But what if those UFOs/UAPs belonged to benevolent beings from outer space who have been keeping watch over us and hoping they can keep us from self-destructing as our military technology and nuclear weapons keep advancing well past the point of mutually assured destruction? In his recent novel, After They Came, author Dan Harary explores what might happen on Earth if benevolent beings from outer space finally quit tiptoeing around us (flying saucer-style), picked a random human being to be their ambassador to the world, and became directly involved in showing us how to live better and more useful lives and co-exist more peacefully with all who live around us.

But we aren’t getting any extraterrestrial help yet. So we must continue to live in a perilous age. However, we can at least take a few lessons in coping with political and personal turmoil from the English poet John Milton, who not only was blind but had to deal with a number of personal tragedies, while also trying to hide from royal authorities who wanted him jailed–or worse. Being John Milton was not easy, but he wrote several books (from which many of us tried to hide while taking high school and undergraduate English classes and are still avoiding). Stephen B. Dobranski’s 2022 biography titled Reading John Milton: How to Persist in Troubled Times is surprisingly engrossing, informative, and even entertaining. Indeed, I hated poets such as Milton, Dante, Donne, and others–I couldn’t stand to be forced to read their long, convoluted stanzas. But after growing up and becoming a writer and poet, I have managed to read at least parts of the works I avoided in high school and college. And reading this Milton biography has inspired me to give Milton’s writings some new and more sustained looks. Dobranski ties many interesting parts of Milton’s creative output to the events, dangers, and tragedies that the blind poet had to endure. What seemed obscure and boring to me as a teenager is much clearer and more meaningful now that I have an understanding of the context behind the stanzas.

I’m not an entrepreneur, and I don’t play one on TV. But a 2022 book by Derek Lidow grabbed my attention right away. The Entrepreneurs: The Relentless Quest for Value turns a bright, clear spotlight on how entrepreneurs are among the most important shapers of our culture, especially now that we structure our lives around so many new devices, clothing trends, communication styles, and countless large and small “apps,” and other things. “Relentless innovation” has long been the way entrepreneurs survive and also how they create value and bring about changes–mostly good but sometimes bad–in their cultures. One of the intriguing aspects of Lidow’s book is its focus on entrepreneurship’s surprisingly long history: at least 6,500 years. And he contends: ” The lack of study of the emergence of entrepreneurial behavior has impeded our ability to properly define it, let alone appreciate and effectively nurture it.” Lidow also focuses on what he calls “entrepreneurial swarming.” Without giving away its complete definition (read the book!), it has to do with why and how entrepreneurs as a group can become so innovative.

Si Dunn

Photo by Si Dunn

Salsa Dancing into the Social Sciences – #bookreview

How can you do good research in the midst of runaway ‘info-glut’?

Salsa Dancing into the Social Sciences is not a new book, but it still remains relevant, entertaining, and, most of all, useful.

It’s aimed at undergraduate, graduate, or doctoral social science students who are struggling to complete a class project, thesis, dissertation, or book However, the research methods and the conundrums highlighted in Salsa Dancing may also benefit writers currently struggling with articles or books aimed at other fields audiences.

For example, the author describes ways researchers and writers can overcome their fears that the “heart” of their project, thesis, dissertation, or book is still buried somewhere within the piles of interesting materials they have gathered.

I blame my sociologist daughter for gifting me this book. She wanted to show me how social science research often stays mired in its own historical ditches and worn-down ways of gathering data, sometimes deliberately. But the book also represents a not-so-subtle hint that I can update my journalistic and book/screenplay research processes, as well. You might find it helpful, too.

Si Dunn

Salsa Dancing into the Social Sciences

Research in an Age of Info-Glut

Kristin Luker

Harvard University Press

Paperback, ISBN 978-0-674-04821-8

Going into Business? Three Books to Consider

Okay, none of these three books is “new,” nor do they directly cover the “usual suspects” of how-to business topics. These works do, however, cover important subjects you should keep in mind while planning and launching your new enterprise–or, reworking a business you already have.

Book 1: The Longevity Economy, Unlocking the World’s Fastest-Growing, Most Misunderstood Market by Joseph F. Coughlin (PublicAffairs, 978-1-61039-663-9).

People are living longer, working longer, and spending money longer. And yet, many businesses have no idea how to create the right products or services to tap into the disposable income of “senior” citizens. They (we) “old” Americans constitute an $8 trillion market segment, and the vast majority of us are not sitting around in rocking chairs waiting for Godot. We’re living life to the fullest that we can and also doing what we can to help our children, grandchildren, and friends find their own ways forward in life. And that means we’re spending money, lots of it, especially when the right things come along and grab our attention.

Coughlin, founder and director of MIT’s AgeLab, writes: “Our [ill-informed] narrative of old age has already cost businesses untold losses in terms in terms of failed launches, missed opportunities, and off-target products. Worse, because products and marketing reinforce social norms, the narrative’s prophecy becomes self-fulfilling.” Coughlin’s well-written book goes well beyond simply highlighting the missed opportunities to reach older consumers of goods, products, and services. He offers concrete solutions and practical examples that can help make a difference.

Book 2: The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference by Malcolm Gladwell (Backbay Books, 0-316-34662-4).

You don’t have to have a big, bold, splashy idea to help your business take off and “blow up” profitably on social media.

Malcolm Gladwell describes his book as “the biography of an idea, and the idea is very simple. It is that the best way to understand the emergence of fashion trends, the ebb and flow of crime waves, or, for that matter, the transformation of unknown books into bestsellers, or the rise of teenage smoking, or the phenomena of word of mouth, or any number of the other mysterious changes that mark everyday life is to think of them as epidemics. Ideas and products and messages and behaviors spread just like viruses do.” [Emphasis mine. Word of mouth can be much stronger than advertising when trying to reach the right people.] And, Gladwell emphasizes: “It takes only the smallest of changes to shatter an epidemic’s equilibrium.”

Book 3: The Big Disconnect: The Story of Technology and Loneliness by Giles Slade (Prometheus Books, ISBN 978-1-61614-5958)

The more we do or place online, the more we isolate and insulate ourselves from in-person contact with our fellow human beings and the nature surrounding us. Launching and building up an online business can eat up most of the hours in your day and leave you even more cut off from friends, loved ones, customers, and people with good and beneficial ideas–if you are not very careful.

Giles Slade offers some good ideas in this book for how to not lose touch with human empathy, as well as your connections to your community and the world around it. He writes: “There is nothing inherently evil about technology. human culture itself is a technology that helps us cope with our rapidly changing world. We cannot change our reliance on culture-technology without fundamentally changing ourselves.” He advocates viewing our machines as friends that do not dominate and control our lives, contending: “We can use any new technology to support and foster human relationships and our relationship to nature itself.”

— Si Dunn

To ‘Save’ This Planet, We Must Save Ourselves First?

The introduction to Adam Frank’s engrossing 2019 book, Light of the Stars: Alien Worlds and the Fate of the Earth, offers some compelling text that can open eyes wider to our planet’s growing global-warming-and-polluted-atmosphere crisis.

“People often cast the climate crisis in terms of ‘saving the planet,'” he writes. “But as the biologist Lynn Margulis once put it, the Earth ‘is a tough bitch.’ It’s not the Earth that needs saving. It’s us and our project of civilization that needs a new direction. If we fail to make it across the difficult terrain we face, the planet will just move on without us, generating new species in the novel climate states it evolves.”

This well-written and accessible science work deserves new reading by anyone who cares about our world’s current atmospheric and environmental challenges. The Earth indeed will take and absorb whatever we choose to throw at it. But if we give it too much of the wrong “human” things, we will die, and other lifeforms will take our place. That’s the stark choice.

However, if we can focus our best minds, our best intentions, our best leaders, and our best technologies, we possibly can–on the cosmic scale of things–keep riding Earth a bit longer, especially if we also keep our eyes and minds open to what can be discovered and developed through astrobiology. (A NASA website defines astrobiology as “the study of the origin, evolution, distribution, and future of life in the universe.”)

The possibility of life on other planets likely has been debated for as long as human beings have been wandering around and poking at things on this orb. Many people today believe other civilizations exist in other star systems. Some of these civilizations may be significantly more advanced than we are. Some of them may still be gathering and eating bugs, roots, and berries. But the hope is that we could learn things helpful for us from any of them, once we know how to communicate. It’s even possible that some of them might need climate-crisis insights that we could now provide.

“Any civilization on any planet will be nothing more than an expression of its home world’s creativity,” Adam Frank contends. “We are no different from those we would call ‘alien.'”

Si Dunn

Light of the Stars: Alien Worlds and the Fate of the Earth

Adam Frank

W.W. Norton & Co.


Sky Travel: Aviation’s Marvels, Circa 1929

Recently I obtained a 93-year-old first-edition copy of Sky Travel by A. Ralph Romer and Margaret Romer. Published in 1929 by Rand McNally & Co., the book is an entertaining, well-illustrated, and eye-opening look at “modern” American aviation in the 20th century’s third decade. Sky Travel was published just two years after Charles Lindbergh’s risky flight across the Atlantic in the “Spirit of St. Louis.” The year 1929 was a time when a hot new passenger plane, Fokker’s F.VIIa/3m trimotor, could zip eight to twelve passengers across several hundred miles at 130 mph. Quite a contrast to today, with supersonic business jets and passenger jets now being developed that could provide one-hour coast-to-coast flights.

A 1929 copy of Sky Travel by A. Ralph Romer and Margaret Romer

Indeed, many famous airports that currently handle jumbo jets were just grassy fields with a few hangers shown in aerial photos taken before 1930.

Biplanes abound in this book, along with high-wing monoplanes, and two-wingers were still state of the art in the military, pre-1930. The U.S. Navy’s second aircraft carrier, the Saratoga, is shown launching a biplane. And an open-cockpit biplane, an “Army bombing plane” built by Martin, is shown parked near a grass takeoff strip. Elsewhere, a series of photographs depict how to bail out of a biplane. You simply climb out of the open-air cockpit, stand on the wing near the fuselage (while “hanging on for dear life” as you do), and then “throw yourself just as far from the plane as you can” so you won’t get whacked in two by the stabilizer or rudder. Many different aircraft, such as a Bellanca, a Curtis “Jenny,” a Wright Apache, a Lockheed monoplane, and some seaplanes are shown, along with earlier historic planes. A chapter is also devoted to female aviators, including Amelia Earhart, the first woman to fly the Atlantic solo; Katherine Stinson, the inventor of skywriting; and Elinor Smith, who at age 17 set a world record for endurance flying, staying in the air more than 22 hours.

Sky Travel‘s authors, both teachers, aimed their book at young readers, from kindergarten to high school. At the back, there are aviation-related lessons for all grade ranges, ranging from how to make an Air Mail envelope to how to organize an aero club. The rest of the book, however, contains enough photos, technical details, and illustrations to keep grownup fans of aviation history both amused and a bit amazed, too.

(Note: As of this writing, a few copies of Sky Travel were available online, including on eBay for under $20).

Si Dunn

From ‘Swamp Gas’ to Believing in UFOs


The Close Encounters Man
How One Man Made the World Believe in UFOs
Mark O’Connell
Harper-Collins, 978-0-06-2484176-9

For the first time in a half-century, Congress recently held a hearing on what many of us call “UFOs,” unidentified flying objects. Certain others of us, of course, now insist they must be called “UAPs,” unidentified aerial phenomena. Take your pick. UFOs/UAPs, whatever they are, have been zipping and maneuvering through our skies for many decades and (we suspect for much longer). And we still have no idea what they really are, what they are up to, and why they keep bothering to mess with us.

The Congressional hearing featured not only scientists and investigators but a House of Representatives subcommittee on intelligence and counterterrorism. Basically, the military finally admitted that UFO/UAPs are real.  And the Representatives predictably split along party lines, with Democrats seemingly more tuned toward scientific investigation and factfinding and Republicans muttering darkly about threats to national security and no doubt hoping to find ways to blame Joe Biden for recent surges in UFO/UAP sightings.

With America’s military and assorted civilian groups now putting a renewed focus on solving the UFO/UAP mystery, this seems a good time to remember astronomer J. Allen Hynek, the man who initially claimed people were just seeing flares of swamp gas, atmospheric eddies, and “ordinary celestial objects” in the sky. As Mark O’Connell’s 2017 biography, The Close Encounters Man, makes clear, Hynek (who died in 1986) was both a well-respected astronomer with significant scientific credits and, at first, strongly skeptical that UFOs/UAPs were real. Indeed, he was recruited in 1948 by the U.S. Air Force to help debunk the many sightings that were being reported by civilians, police officers, and military personnel. But he and others could not explain away 20 percent of the cases. Five years later, when Hynek was asked again to help the Air Force investigate UFOs/UAPs, he again saw that 20% of the reports coming in continued to be classified as “unidentified.”

ufo_sundog1 (3)

Photo by Si Dunn

O’Connell’s book smoothly lays out the story of how Hynek gradually changed from being a skeptic to believing that at least some UFO/UAP sightings are real and deserve deeper scientific investigation. The author had significant access to Hynek’s personal and professional files, as well as other materials, and his work is absorbing, informative, and often entertaining reading. (The book’s subtitle, however, goes well over the book-marketing top and should be disregarded.)

J. Allen Hynek is remembered today as the “Close Encounters” man because he came up with the terms “Close Encounters of the First, Second, and Third Kind.” Hynek defined a Close Encounter of the First Kind, the author explains, as seeing “a UFO within five hundred feet or so, close enough to make out detail but not so close as to make physical contact.” Hynek’s definition of a Close Encounter of the Second Kind, O’Connell noted, “is one in which the UFO has a physical effect on the environment, such as scorching nearby plants, leaving strange markings on the ground, or causing a car’s engine to stall.” And, O’Connell writes, Hynek considered a Close Encounter of the Third Kind as one in which the witness sees and sometimes interacts with beings that appear with the UFO.” 

I have written elsewhere about my own UFO experiences during childhood, and I confess that I had long disliked Hynek because I knew about his public statements about “swamp gas” and other dismissive responses to UFO questions in the 1950s. The Close Encounters Man has been surprising reading for me. J. Allen Hynek comes across as a man who could look at facts objectively, change his mind about his previous, dismissive declarations, and go public with his new views. Indeed, his changed position surprised and encouraged many people who had held back reporting their UFO/UAP experiences out of fear of being ridiculed or thought crazy. Relective of his changed views, Hynek founded the Center for UFO Studies in 1973. It’s now known as the J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies.

In the Steven Spielberg movie “Close Encounters of the Third Kind,” Hynek makes a brief, Alfred Hitchcock-like cameo appearance for about six seconds in the film. As McConnell describes it: “…Hynek is shown stepping forward toward the colossal mothership as all the other scientists hold back. As he approaches the intense light of the alien craft, he thoughtfully strokes his goatee and fingers his pipe before putting it in his mouth. [H]e seems for all the world as though he belongs, as if he were meant to be there.”

He was. And his efforts hopefully will be remembered and drawn upon as new investigations into UFOs and UAPs move forward.

–Si Dunn       


Three Books, Three Hot-Again Issues – #bookreview

Photo by Si Dunn

Book 1

Crashback: The Power Clash Between the U.S. and China in the Pacific

Michael Fabey

Scribner, ISBN 978-1-5011-1204-1

Our eyes are locked on Ukraine right now and its horrific David vs. Goliath battle against Putin the Mad’s Russian military. But there’s another “war” in progress half a world away, and the United States is very deeply involved.

In his 2017 book that’s become even more relevant today, Michael Fabey has written: “Obviously, it’s not a hot war. American and Chinese military forces aren’t shooting missiles or torpedoes or naval artillery at each other–although in an instant of miscalculation or misjudgment, that could easily happen…But while the war is neither hot nor cold, China and the United States–particularly the United States Navy–are engaged in a warm war in the Western Pacific. It’s a war over tiny specks of land and vast reaches of sea and sky, a warm war of dangerous confrontations and small escalations, a war over military hegemony and the diplomatic and economic influence that naturally follows that hegemony. It’s a war that pits a diminished U.S. Navy against a burgeoning Chinese navy that is evolving with astonishing speed from a coastal defense force to a ‘blue-water’ fleet capable of projecting power throughout the region.”

Since the 2022 outbreak of war between Ukraine and Russia, China’s leader, Xi Jinping, and his military brass reportedly have been studying the Russian military’s numerous blunders, mistakes, and defeats in Ukraine, to help improve own their planning for possibly attacking and conquering Taiwan. Reading Fabey’s Crashback can give readers some good insights into an increasingly dangerous situation most Americans have ignored for decades.


Book 2

Why Cities Lose: The Deep Roots of the Urban-Rural Political Divide

Jonathan A. Rodden

Basic Books, ISBN 978-1-5416-4427-4

Democrats seem to pour virtually all of their resources into energizing liberal voters in big metropolitan areas and ignore many rural voters, who tend to be more conservative. So, a lengthy question: Are they just too lazy or enamored of the status quo to attack the very problem that keeps them in overly tight races with Republican candidates while also throwing away their chances to regain majorities in state legislatures and county and city governments? Short answer: Yep.

“The problem of platform choice and reputation management bedevils the Democrats not only at the national level but also within states. The urban districts, where Democrats typically win by large majorities, are often ideologically quite far away from the rest of the state,” writes Jonathan A. Rodden in his 2019 book. “As a result,” he adds, “Democrats face a difficult challenge in trying to manage their statewide party reputation. If it comes to be dominated by urban incumbents, they will find it hard to compete in the pivotal districts.”

Rodden’s book offers a detailed look at how America’s urban-rural political divide came to be and why it remains, and he delivers some explanations of how “federalism and decentralization” possibly could help “ameliorate the problem of geographic sectionalism.” With Congress mired in political gridlock over issues such as abortion, gun control, immigration, and the economy, U.S. citizens may have to rely on state and city governments “for practical policy solutions to everyday problems,” Rodden points out, adding: “Successful candidates for governor and mayor often run campaigns portraying themselves as nonpartisan problem-solvers” and sometimes “assemble different bundles of policy positions than the national parties to which they belong. By crafting unique local brands, state and local chief executives can bridge partisan divides and focus on results.”

Of course, with that “local brand” approach, if you have strong preferences for certain issues, you might feel the need to move from a “red” area or “blue” area and live where you feel that your concerns are better met. But, over time, little would change politically in these areas and important issues might go unaddressed if there is always one-party rule.

The bottom line for 2022: Democrats need to be ramping up their rural outreach…hard and fast.


Book 3

How We Work: Live Your Purpose, Reclaim Your Sanity, and Embrace the Daily Grind

Leah Weiss, Ph.D

Harper, ISBN 978-0-06-256506-8

The Covid pandemic is not over. Still, workers increasingly are being encouraged or forced to leave the safety and comforts of their home offices and commute back to the spaces, cubicles, and desks leased by their employers, if they wish to keep their jobs and benefits.

How We Work by Leah Weiss was published a year before the pandemic hit. Yet, even then, the American workplace already had a reputation for being toxic, full of stress and a frequently disheartening and debilitating place to have to spend up to 12 hours a day, or more.

Add the fear of contracting a Covid variant to memories of what the workplace was like before the pandemic hit, and you have a recipe for unhappiness, worry, and employees making value choices: Is this job, this company, or this boss worth my life? What if I’d rather have a different career or no career at all? As we now know, millions of people have decided to leave their current jobs, reevaluate their lives, and look elsewhere for opportunities that seem safer or better tuned to their capabilities, interests, and desires.

For those who remain, as well as those who choose to look elsewhere, How We Work offers some good workplace insights and ideas to consider. For example, the book has a strong focus on mindfulness and meditation and how they can lower your stress level both at work or at home while trying to juggle family life or individual feelings after long hours commuting and working in an office.

Quoting from studies, the author notes that “not only can meditation help you feel less stressed, but it can actually protect the brain from the damaging effects of stress, which include accelerated aging.”

On a related note not associated with this book, the U.S. Department of Labor recently has launched a new project called the Job Quality Measurement Initiative, in association with some nonprofits that include the Families and Workers Fund, the Omidyar Network, the Lumina Foundation, and the Ford Foundation, according to New York Times columnist Peter Coy. In a recently published column, Coy noted that “there’s no agreed-upon definition of what makes a job good or bad.”

The number of unfilled jobs remains in the millions this spring, and employers complain that they are having difficult times finding employees. Wages are up and to some people that signals jobs are “good.” But many positions have been simplified and dumbed down in desperate attempts to fill slots with almost any warm body. Other high-skill jobs, meanwhile, have been layered with extra tasks for one person, increasing their already difficult workloads.

The Job Quality Measurement Initiative plans to release its study results in September 2022. But how much it might clarify the “good job-bad job” debate remains to be seen. Meanwhile, many workers likely will continue to vote with their feet if they feel endangered, stressed, underappreciated, or underpaid after being told to return to the office.

Si Dunn


Fingers in the Dirt

Could you grow your own food if you had to?

Russians no longer can get a Биг Мак at their local McDonald’s. Food supplies and farms are in peril all over Ukraine. And refugees in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and elsewhere are overwhelming the available food aid from many agencies. (Please find at least one online and help them with a cash donation.)

Those of us who live in currently peaceful places usually have an overabundance of food available. And the contents of our packed pantries and refrigerators can be supplemented with bags of chips, nuts, candies…or quick drives to the nearest fast-food outlets or grocery stores. “Food insecurity” to many of us means we just opened our last case of tuna and our new grocery order won’t be delivered for a couple of hours.

But what if we suddenly found ourselves cut off from food sources and running out of the food we have on hand? For example, a massive economic disaster that leaves our money mostly worthless and the prices of food mostly out of reach. Or, an environmental disaster that makes growing large crops unsustainable and food in short supply.

That question came to mind recently while reading Hope Beneath Our Feet: Restoring Our Place in the Natural World, edited by Martin Keogh. The book, published in 2010 but still valid today, is an anthology of about 60 essays focusing on a single question: “In a time of environmental crisis, how can we live right now?” The anthology’s goal is to present “diverse strategies for creating change in ourselves, our communities, and the world.” To semi-quote the poet William Wordsworth, the world is way too much with us at the moment, and many of us are trying to hide from its horrors. Still, the essays in Hope Beneath Our Feet are worth reading despite their age.

My “food” question arose after reading Michael Ableman’s essay “Thinking Like an Island.” Ableman is a well-known American-Canadian writer, educator, organic farmer, and outspoken advocate for sustainable agriculture. This point by Ableman especially hit home:

“In the end there is not so much a food crisis or an environmental crisis as there is a crisis in participation. We now have a couple of generations of young people who are not only completely de-natured, they no longer know how to use their hands for anything other than pushing keys on a keyboard.”

My father grew up on farmland, but I grew up entirely in urban areas, except for occasional visits to my grandfather’s farm. I learned nothing much about agriculture there. Essentially, I just came for the fried chicken and stayed for the fresh tomatoes and slices of homemade pie. Over the years, my father taught me almost nothing about growing food, mainly because he didn’t have the time for gardening. But he did show me how to type and gave me a typewriter. He had been the first in his family to graduate from college and the first who learned how to type. Throughout my childhood, he worked long hours at keyboards, helping edit a daily newspaper by day and doing “stringer” journalism at night as a freelance contributor to other publications.

Like father, like son: I taught my children how to use computers and showed them almost nothing about growing food. I didn’t know how and seldom saw the need; we lived within a mile radius of three supermarkets and a farmers’ market. When I finally made an attempt at urban gardening, as part of some homeschooling lessons for my children, I managed to grow a couple of bell peppers (which I like) and two stalks of okra (which I detest). But again–like father, like son–I, too, was holding down two keyboard-related jobs to feed my family. So my total summer “produce” added up to just small parts of two meals.

A Sweet 100 tomato plant freshly transplanted to a container. Photo by Si Dunn

Now that I’m retired, I have time for urban container gardening and helping Susan with this year’s produce. Over the past two summers, we’ve grown pleasing amounts of tomatoes in our front yard (the back is completely shaded by trees and a carport). This summer, considering the current prices of vegetables and fruit, anything edible that we grow will be helpful to our retirement budgets. And extras can be given away to friends and neighbors. Optimistically, we’re planning our biggest crop ever: tomatoes, carrots, lettuce, herbs, and a few others.

Plants are sprouting and adding leaves as I type this, and there’s a little bit of actual dirt under my fingernails. Real farmers will snort and snicker, of course. I don’t care. We’ll still be looking at farmers’ markets and grocery stores for the many things we can’t grow. But we know that we could grow more food if we really had to–and, given the current state of our world and its multi-troubled environment, will the have to happen sooner than later?

What are your thoughts? Post them below at “Leave a Reply.”

— Si Dunn

Si Dunn is an Austin, Texas, writer, screenwriter, book reviewer, and photojournalist.


Note: If you enjoy book reviews and comments related to books, you can help encourage this blog’s mission by making a donation here. Thank you!

The Power of the Slog: ‘Goodbye to a River’

John Graves Saved a Texas River by Writing a Book About It

If you’re battling to save a river, a creek, a lake, a pond, or any other body of water, be it large or small, you should read or reread Texas writer John Graves’s classic 1960 personal narrative, Goodbye to a River. (Copies are out there.)

Paddling a canoe, Graves took a 150-mile “farewell” trip down the Brazos River at a time when it appeared the historic waterway might be destroyed by a series of thirteen planned flood-control dams. He traveled the river for weeks alone except for his dog, and the handful of people he met along the way.

His book blends Texas history, Texas politics, and his deep connections with another Texas river, the Trinity, as well as the Brazos. The Trinity River, which passes through Dallas, had helped shape his early life and values. His connections to both rivers also helped fuel his adult concerns regarding the environment, urban growth, and people’s continuing to live at the very edge of bodies of water, despite the dangers of flooding, erosion, spilled chemicals sewage, and other hazards.

“When someone official dreams up a dam,” he wrote, “it generally goes in. Dams are ipso facto good all by themselves, like mothers and flags. Maybe you save Dinosaur Monument from time to time, but in between such salvations you lose ten Brazoses….”

The public response to Goodbye to a River was so strong that only a few of the proposed dams were built, and the Brazos continues to flow more than 60 years later.

A key lesson of the book is that saving something ecological, something environmental, something historical can require significant personal effort, as well as a love for, or, strong attachment to, a cause or ideal.

Slog Ahead

You also must be willing to share your personal experiences and feelings with others. You can’t save the Great Lakes or Big Onion Creek or an unnamed duck pond threatened by development if you simply put up a website with a donation link, post a tweet, and wait for the world to send you volunteers and money. Just as Graves did, you need to experience your cause well enough that you can write about it and tell others about it with knowledge and emotion. You must take them on a mental journey with you and convince them why they also should care and be willing to share some of their time and resources to help the cause. Could you care enough to write Goodbye to a Duck Pond or make a film titled My Butterfly Teacher?

As Kermit the Frog has often sung: “It’s not easy being green.”


#environment #ecology #Texas #bookreview

Si Dunn is an Austin, Texas, writer, screenwriter, book reviewer, and photojournalist.


Note: If you enjoy book reviews and comments related to books, you can help encourage this blog’s mission by making a donation here.